Personal Thoughts & Style Bloom Linkup
It’s been a while since I posted something new here and I thought I’d take the time and share some thoughts that’ve been bugging me for a while.
I’m almost 36 weeks pregnant now and sometimes I feel like a hamster on the wheel. I want to make our home perfect for our fast growing family and also keep growing this blog and my Etsy shop. There are days when I wake up with so much energy and so many ideas and I want to accomplish them all but, by the end of the day, I feel totally drained and can’t even move my hand. Running around with my 2 year old toddler getting harder and harder especially with this huge baby bump:). Many doors have opened since I started blogging and I want to keep going, but there are always things I keep thinking about.
Will I be able to manage it all with 2 little kids? Is it possible to be a successful blogger/ entrepreneur and a good mom?
And you know what? I believe it is possible! We (moms) just need to set clear expectations and make a good plan. It’s OK to take it easy and stop being worried about posting less. It’s OK to say no to some projects. It’s Ok to have a pizza day once a week and forget about cooking at least for one night, right?:) I decided to take small steps to archiving my goals and the most important thing is to take a proper care of myself because I want to enjoy every second of being a mom and a business woman and it’s not gonna happen If I’ll be stressed out all the time.
Ladies, we can do this, right? Share you advice about how do you manage your time with your family and business (in a comment) and don’t forget to submit your link to your style post!
Are you ready for a Style Bloom LINKUP party? Rules are very easy:
1. Link to your latest outfit posts, not your blog’s main page.
2. Include a link to DC in Style somewhere in your post.
3 Meet amazing people and have fun!!!