Day at Zoo & Linkup

pink flamingos, maryland zoo,, day at zooThe weather has been so lovely lately and we spend most of our time outside. Last weekend we went to Zoo. Ethan was super happy and could have stayed there all day long but we’ve noticed big dark clouds and knew that something bad is coming. Later that day we had a storm and I’m glad we left earlier.Baby boy at ZooGiraffes were Ethan’s favorites, he couldn’t take his eyes off of them:)giraffes at Zoo, Maryland ZooMy two favorite men:) Looking at these pictures makes me realize how big Ethan has got and it makes me a little sad.father and sonYep, my baby bump is getting bigger, it grows faster than when I was pregnant the first time. What would I look like in 10 weeks? 🙂day at zoo with my son, Ethan at zooI was going to take more photos of what I’ve been wearing lately, but I’m such a bad style blogger:) I can’t wait to see your looks and read your posts!

Are you ready for a Style Bloom LINKUP party? Rules are very easy:

1. Link to your latest outfit posts, not your blog’s main page.

2. Include a link to DC in Style somewhere in your post.

3 Meet amazing people and have fun!!!

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